It appears that time keeps flying by........absolute free time with NOTHING at all to do.......well, there's not much of that anymore lol. So spring has sprung and I have what seems like a MILLION things to do! For instance (I'm gonna use this week as an example) I have school work to get done (usual), 2 Pops performances tomorrow, lots of piano practicing to do before next Saturday, work, deciding who all I'm inviting for senior recital, picking out invitations, AMTA District auditions next Saturday, work next Saturday, and (best thing on the list! lol) go hang out with Sam next Saturday after work so that she can take some decent pictures of me (b/c I need some senior pictures)! Oh and I almost forgot........Easter is next Sunday! =) So now that the world knows what I'm up to.......it's time to go play Claire de Lune for an hour (piano teacher's orders lol). ;)