Friday, January 22, 2010

Memories of my Nanny

(Andrew and Nanny, the sunday before Veteran's day. That's how I'll always remember my Nanny.........smiling)

My Nanny went to be with God this week. She died on monday, her viewing was tuesday, and her funeral was wednesday. I miss her. She was my pie making partner/supervisor. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas we made chocolate pie together. Mighty good pie it was too. ;) Advice like "You have NOT whipped that meringue long enough!" and "Well, taste test it and see! If it tastes okay we figured out the right amount of ingredients!" I'll hear every time I make it. And I'll feel like she should still be behind me at her kitchen table supervising. And fussing 'cause I wouldn't let her do the dishes. As if I would! A sign in her kitchen said "grand kids eat free" well, same principle applied to great-grand kids. But you were gonna pay for it with your parents if you didn't at least help with the dishes! Not that we wouldn't have done it anyway......we loved our Nanny, and she didn't need to be doing all our messy dishes from cooking when she didn't/couldn't even help cook it! was more fun to make her complain. ;) Nanny took no nonsense from us........we loved to climb the holly tree in her front yard, but if she caught us up in it you'd hear "You kids get out of that tree before you fall and break your necks! I mean it!" Some of my favorite memories of Nanny are probably just sitting and eating breakfast with her and my grandmother at a certain cafe in Clanton. If I was with them on wednesday morning we were going to go eat breakfast, and then I'd help her with her grocery shopping. It feels odd that I'll never have another opportunity to sit down and eat breakfast with my Nanny. If I'm sitting here crying, it's not b/c I'm sad for her. She was so ready to go. At 91 she'd lived longer and seen more things than I can ever imagine. No I'm sad for me, that I won't get to see her again in this walk of life. But you know what the great thing is? I know I'll see her when I get to Heaven, just like Steven. I may miss them now......but eventually I'll get to see them again. And to all the friends that have been there in the past month with prayers, hugs, and words of encouragement, Thank you.

(Opening her Christmas present from Andrew. A pair of Auburn converses. She was a big Auburn fan, and loved to pick on us for being Bama fans)

(The Christmas present she took such pride in)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A lot has been going on.........

The past........2 weeks? I guess it has been. So very strange, they've slid right past me. 2 weeks ago tomorrow my cousin was murdered. (that's a picture of him and his girlfriend on the left) You never think that someone whom you love, have grown up with, and is so close to your age would be gone from this life already, much less murdered. I miss him. Not that I've seen him real often lately.......but now I know I won't see him again until I get to heaven. It's an odd feeling. Out of my grandmother's 9 grandchildren 4 of us are Seniors this year. I'll be thinking about him when I graduate. B/c I'll feel like he should still be here to walk and accept his diploma. The past 2 weeks have been......rough. Rougher for a lot of people in my family than for me, but sleep has eluded me a LOT these past 2 weeks. Only in the last few days have I been going to bed before midnight. I came to the conclusion that I would never understand why all this I have to trust and lean on God's understanding. He has a plan, though I have NO idea what it is. But I do know without the words of encouragement, prayers, and hugs of so many friends it would have been so much harder for me to get through. Many thanks is owed to them. They already have my love (whether they want it or not lol). One day at a time, we can get through this. And I just have to remember that when I look at the picture at the very top of this page, Steven isn't in that box we call a coffin. He's in Heaven, and I'll see him when I get there. <3