See??? I'm alive....even though I haven't posted since April (bad me). This summer I had the wonderful opportunity to do CIT at the Wilds, NC!! It was absolutely amazing!! I've never been as challenged to learn more about myself and about God! Surface answers don't get you've gotta dig deeper! I'm not gonna go real deep into CIT stuff right now.....I've got some thinking to do first. ;) But here's an overview in pictures! Enjoy!

With my Honduran friend Katia!! Who was also my bunkmate 1st week. =)
With Colleen on the CIT hike. "Put your blinkers on boys!" This amazing lady wound up being my interviewer 2nd week.

You can see South Carolina from here! lol

Beautiful view

With Mrs Traci! This wonderful lady somehow put up with me all the way to North Carolina.

Mr Woodfin deigned to let me take a picture with him lol

With Mrs Berg, my first week interviewer. God blessed me so much through her.

Borderland ladies with our amazing waitress Maddie!


Christina!! I miss this girl!

With Em at Christian Life Seminar

With Anna, my second week CIT buddy! Fun times!

With Jess, my second week counselor. I miss her so much!
With my buddy Christopher! Who just happens to be Em's bro.

With Em on Pig Day!! (Where we look like major dorks on purpose) ;D

2nd falls!!

Bonfire at CIT testimony time.

The beautiful lake that is at the campsite.

Didn't Jess draw a lovely "G" on my forehead?? =D
With Jocelyn! Who claims I'm a cameraholic........she'd be right. ;) <3

REUNION!! After a week mostly apart we were very happy to see each other!

Borderland ladies hiding our faces with our diplomas!!
Ter-Bear and me!!!! Terrance was my brother counselor the first time I ever went to camp and was a CIT counselor this summer.

Me and Kate, my team's lead counselor. She's GREAT! <3

Our crazy faces. We definitely belong on the Calhoun Crazies!! Go Green!

First week cabin on the last day of the second week........before we had to say our good byes. Yeah Borderland!!!

With my first week counselor, Jocelyn. Did I mention she's amazing?? <3

Me and my buddy Riley! He's from one of my churches and did CIT during the same session as me. =)
Me and my friend Bethany before the SPP Banquet. Long weekend, but loved spending part of it with her!
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